Madison Liquidators has decided to launch a new career center to be the home of all company job listings. This page will serve to attract talent and highly-qualified, new team members without the need for job boards and third-party recruiters. The one page site has a nice clean visual look to it but is devoid of any information about what its like to work there.

The mission statement of the enhanced career center focuses on Madison Liquidators striving to provide a friendly and productive workplace for team members. While actively encouraging staff members to sharpen their abilities, they prioritize internal advancement and steady progression for those on the team.
With the job market constantly in the news and people shifting from pay-focused work to passion-based work, the Madison Liquidators team now has a central location for those interested in using their skills for the office furniture industry.
An example of a typical career center listing will have the professional position information which includes; the salary range that is dependent upon experience, along with the shift time expectations, job description and qualifying requirements. Each position will be notated as to whether or not it is being actively recruited in real-time.
This move has been implemented in the hopes of attracting top business professionals from sales representatives to backend developers. It is the goal of Madison Liquidators to partner with those passionate about their areas of workplace expertise in order to enhance the customer experience for everyone visiting their online office furniture marketplace.