Invited Open Houses – The Best Way To Sell Exceptional Candidates (They work by involving the entire team in the selling effort) The best candidates will only join a great team, and open houses excel at revealing why a team is...
Back to the Future: A 2024 HR Technology Conference Preview Post In a world where the only constant is change, there’s something inherently reassuring about an event that’s more or...
The Top 5 Boldest Recruiting Practices (For when you grow a pair!) The demand for talent is at a record high, while aggressive recruiting is sadly at a 20-year low. Today,...
Use Candidate Friendly Interview Scheduling To Limit No-Shows (Also add outside of work hours interview times) Making a candidate’s availability a primary decision factor may cut your interview no-shows by 1/3. Why? Because when you...
Prioritization Lets Recruiting Focus On High-Impact Jobs (Using high-impact, low-cost position prioritization) Position prioritization allows the recruiting function to “do more with less” (with little effort). Illustrating The Dollar Impact Of...
Boost Offer Acceptance With Expiring And Exploding Offers (A quick yes will prevent the finalist from getting another offer) When you must fill a key job quickly, expiring/exploding offers will accelerate offer acceptance. How Expiring And Exploding Offers...
Excite Your Candidates – Show Them A Team Profile (A snapshot of who you’ll be working with) Having great “co-workers” is a primary attraction factor for top candidates (Gallup research). Being viewed as a more transparent,...
You’ve Been Warned – Interviews Rarely Select The Best Candidate (New data reveals that flipping a coin is more accurate) Newsflash: Powerful new data shows that interviews are horrible at identifying the best candidate! Where horrible is defined by...
Hiring Innovators – The Highest Impact Action In Talent Management (Highlighting the benefits from hiring innovators) Hiring has the highest bus. impact in HR, and innovators produce the highest impact of any new hire. Article...
The “No Application Required” Recruiting Strategy (Providing employed top talent with “job search deniability”) Top employees are reluctant to apply for external jobs because it makes them appear disloyal. “Getting caught” would not...
Re-Energize Recruiting – Reward Managers For Great Hiring Results (Because managers are driven by incentives) What you measure and reward gets done, so start rewarding managers for great hiring results. Article Descriptors| Recruiting /Manager...
The Recruiter’s Guide to Programmatic Job Advertising Programmatic job advertising uses automation and data to buy and place your job ads across a massive network of...
Peer Interviews – A Powerful “Must Try” Hiring Tool (For improving your assessment and candidate selling results overnight) It’s the most powerful hiring tool because of its double impact on candidate assessment and selling. Peer interviews are...
Shifting To A “What’s In It For Me” Recruiting Prospective (Spelling out what the new hire will experience) Compared to just listing dry company benefits, seeing “what’s in it for me” is extremely powerful from a candidate’s...
Download the Ultimate Job Boards Buyer’s Guide for Recruiters Discover the best job boards for your hiring needs. Choosing the right job board shouldn’t be a hassle. Our...
Need Amazing Employees? – Hire Those “Defined By Their Work” (Because commitment, work ethic, and mastery will produce amazing results) Google found that 90% of a team’s value comes from the top 10%. So, recruit this amazing 10%. A...
The World’s Best Guide… For Adding Powerful Resume Content (Ensuring that your resume will stand out in an AI world) Move past keywords and add powerful content that both AI bots and recruiters will notice and remember. Start By...
Hire Your Customers – The Top Recruiting Source In Retail (Target this often-ignored talent pool) If you recruit in retail or service industries, a top source should be your customers (after employee referrals). Article...
Alert – Those Great Interview Answers May Be Generated By AI (Identifying “AI boosted” interview answers) After hearing brilliant interview answer after answer, you might be shocked to learn that AI wrote those answers. Article...
The Dumbest Reasons For Rejecting Job Applicants (Questionable rejection factors that hurt hiring results) How many of your qualified candidates are being rejected for these questionable reasons? Article Descriptors| Recruiting /rejection factors –...