Generic vs. Specific Job Descriptions: Which is better? Generic vs. specific job descriptions, which one is better? The quick answer is…a mix of both. There are pros...
Generic vs. Specific Job Descriptions: Which is better? Generic vs. specific job descriptions, which one is better? The quick answer is…a mix of both. There are pros...
3 Examples of an Effective Job Description Checklist Getting Started With Your Job Description Ready to hire? Let’s start by creating your job description. This is the...
Use AI and Commonsense to Predict Turnover There are two types of turnover. The worst type is hiring a great person who leaves because the job...
Using AI to Predict Intrinsic Motivation to Excel We’re looking for some of Simon Sinek’s early adopters (these are the people on the left side of the...
The Toughest Job in The World It turns out that the hiring manager is indispensable to building and sustaining high-performing teams. Gallup’s research underscores this,...
Using PbHGPT to Achieve Win-Win Hiring I asked ChatGPT how our new Performance-based Hiring GPT could help hiring managers and recruiters achieve more Win-Win Hiring...
How a Candidate Persona Differs from a Job Description? In our blog-post Searching For New Employees? Define Your Candidate Personas For Best Result, we defined what a candidate...
5 Things Your Job Descriptions Are Missing The best recruiting cycles start with a powerful job description. Your job description is the first impression that potential...
Every Job Description Needs this Statement We came across this job description yesterday that caught our eye. At the end this company (ShoeBuy) tells candidates...
6 Common Mistakes Recruiters Make While Writing Job Descriptions We’ve all heard about what job seekers shouldn’t be doing to scare away potential employers. But what about what...
8 Tips for Better Job Descriptions Job descriptions are your best weapon in the talent wars. Too many employers just don’t put enough effort into crafting...