From Janitor to CHRO of the #1 Cruise Operator in the World! Bettina Deynes (Carnival Corporation) Ready for the remarkable story of a talent all-star who rose from cleaner to C-level leader… in the very...
How NOT to Lose Top Talent to Your Competition | Melanie Steinbach, MasterClass Want to build a world-class team? Start by thinking like a business leader. Melanie Steinbach has led talent teams...
Talent Retention Strategies That Work: Lessons from Mercy’s Scott Sell How do you turn a retention crisis into a talent acquisition triumph? Scott Sell, Mercy’s Chief Talent Acquisition Officer,...
How a Simple Automation Saved 10,000 Hours for Recruiters at Baylor Scott & White Health | Yvette Hansen Recruiting in healthcare is extremely competitive – but with the right strategy, it’s possible to stand out from the...
What It Takes to Lead 80,000 Team Members Through Change with Hartford Healthcare’s Rose Sheehan What happens when your strategic plan meets an unpredictable reality? Rose Sheehan, Chief People Officer at Hartford HealthCare,...
Healthcare Talent Acquisition Before, During, and Post-Pandemic with Jacquie Liddell of Mass General Brigham When Jacquie Liddell stepped into her new role as VP of Talent Acquisition at Mass General Brigham, she had...
Hiring for Volume AND Retention with Cracker Barrel VP of Talent Acquisition Marci Sigmund COVID-19 completely rewrote the recruiting rules – especially in the restaurant and retail sectors. So how can hospitality companies...
Recruiting with Heart: How AccentCare’s Lashonda Bighaus Aligns Talent Strategy with Patient Care What are the keys to attracting and retaining top-notch talent in a highly competitive, demanding industry? We put...
2024 Talent Insights: 4 Key Lessons from World-Class HR and TA Leaders What key themes emerge when you talk to some of the best and brightest talent leaders working today? Join...
The Key Hire Every Fast-Growing Company Needs to Scale with Bain Capital’s Katie Czerepak How do you create a talent culture that scales with your business growth? Katie Czerepak, Head of Talent for...
Paula Radloff (Starbucks, Nike) on Executive Search, TA as Branding, and “Owning Your Career” How do you build a meaningful career in talent acquisition? For Paula Radloff, former VP of Talent Acquisition at...
HubSpot’s Approach to Recruitment and Retention with VP of Talent Acquisition Becky McCullough Great recruiting goes beyond numbers—it’s about quality, relationships, and delivering value for both the business and candidates. But how...
How FedEx is Attracting the Next Generation of Talent with Chief Customer Officer Brie Carere When you’re a top executive at a company that moves 2% of the world’s GDP, talent is never far...
“Get in the Boat!” Aligning Recruiters, HR, and Execs to Tackle a Common Goal with Northwestern Mutual’s Kelly Culler What’s the secret to bridging the gap between talent acquisition, HR business partners, and company leadership? According to Kelly...
Why Zapier Execs Serve as “Heads of Talent” for Their Teams | Chief People Officer Brandon Sammut Zapier’s team is made up of more than 700 people across 42 countries. Yet the company has built a...
Attracting A-Players by Building a Fun and High-Performing Culture with Blake Irving (Former GoDaddy CEO) So much of business success comes down to aligning the right people with a healthy company culture. But what...
How Speed and Customization can Turn Your Organization into a Talent Recruiting MAGNET | Marriott International SVP Kris Dunn In the race for talent, speed is key. But how do you move quickly while still maintaining warm, welcoming...