Become One of the World’s BEST Managers In their groundbreaking book, First, Break All The Rules – What the World’s Best Managers Do Differently, Gallup researchers...
The Shocking Price Tag of Every Failed Job Posting Hire FYI: This story takes place sometime in the near future. It could be yours. The theme: in order to...
The Toughest Job in The World It turns out that the hiring manager is indispensable to building and sustaining high-performing teams. Gallup’s research underscores this,...
Using PbHGPT to Achieve Win-Win Hiring I asked ChatGPT how our new Performance-based Hiring GPT could help hiring managers and recruiters achieve more Win-Win Hiring...
The Essential Hiring Manager’s Guide to Interviewing [20 Tips] As a hiring manager, your job is to help your company find the most qualified candidates to fill open...
Two Interviews Is the Magic Number for Job Seekers How many interviews is enough when it comes to hiring someone? American job seekers and employers agree that more...
10 Great Interview Questions from a Seasoned HR Pro While at the Maine Human Resource conference in Rockport last week I got the chance to sit in on...