The Folly Of Voluntary Buyouts – Paying Your Best To Leave (Highlighting the problems they create) Google and UnitedHealth just offered a bonus to even top performers who agreed to leave. Would you ever even...
How Tariffs And Trade Wars Are Impacting Recruiting (The top trends to follow) It’s better to be prepared than to be surprised.So, begin thinking about how tariffs will disrupt recruiting during 2025....
Recruiting Opportunity Of The Decade – My “I Told You So” Update (Target the DOGE talent pool today) Last year, I predicted a unique recruiting opportunity that’s now a reality. Because today… I estimate that the DOGE...
Improving Your Recruiting Results By Updating Your Sourcing Metrics (A checklist of what to fix) Blame sourcing and its metrics when you’re not getting top candidates. It is increasingly important to focus on the...
High Agency Capabilities – Recruits With Them Outperform Others (Because they can influence their environment) Agency is a psychology term referring to the degree that one can control their environment. So, it’s not surprising...
Reneging On Offers – A Growing Recruiting Nightmare Imagine your anger when, after a 3-month search, a finalist who said yes accepts a last-minute competing offer. Ouch!...
The Next Recruiting Battleground – Quantum Computing (Move aside AI, as QC becomes the next dominant technology) Quantum Computing (QC) is revolutionary because it can solve “unsolvable problems” and accurately forecast the future. Few corporate recruiting...
How The Trump/Musk Management Style Will Affect Your Corporate Job As more corporations mimic Trump’s management style, many corporate jobs will be impacted. Yes, even before the new administration...
After The Fire, The Best Will Be Recruiting In LA (Helping residents while filling your jobs) A post-disaster strategy allows you to hire from the large talent pool that the LA fires created. The goal...
Alert – Mass Deportations Will Directly Impact Employers (How hiring, productivity, and retention will be affected) The goal – To reveal the many talent impacts and their costs from the upcoming deportation effort (A 4-minute...
The Most Read Talent Management Articles Of 2024 (Dr. Sullivan summarizes his most popular articles) I’ve compiled a list of my most-read articles from 2024. First, to reveal the hot topics my audience found...
Why The “Need-On-Date” Is The Best Time-Based Recruiting Metric (And why the “time to fill” metric is misleading) This article is in response to a recent social media discussion on the use of the “time to fill”...
Why Haven’t You Thanked Your Recruiter? (Because you wouldn’t have gotten the job without them) Few things are as impactful as landing a good job, so why not thank your recruiter for their help?...
Hire Managers That Excel At Execution… Because They Create Huge Business Impacts (The hiring of team/project managers is critical for strategic execution) I’ve found that a hidden key to overall corporate success is the effective hiring of project managers. Why? They...
“Tis The Season” To Be Recruiting (Recruit in December when the competition is low) With an abundance of candidates and little competition, the best actively recruit during December. Corporate sales or marketing leaders...
Recruiting Opportunity Of The Decade – Target Anxious Federal Employees (Who might leave because of pending position and budget cuts) Beat your talent competitors by being the first to implement a federal employee recruitment program. And take advantage of...
Turn Your Boring Job Posts Into Talent Magnets – Using Advertising Science (The complete guide to compelling job posts) Job posts have an astonishing 90% failure rate because less than 10% of those who view a post actually...
Increase Applications – Also Post Your Jobs On Frequently Visited Online Sites (In addition to placing them on job boards) Post jobs on sites that your top employees visit because top candidates likely visit them, too. There is so...
Recruiting Videos – Reveal The Excitement & Passion In Your Team (Team-level smartphone videos can boost applications by 34%) Stop keeping the excitement in your team a secret by revealing it in smartphone recruiting videos. Add them because...
Reference Checking – Simple Steps For Making Yours Better (The complete guide to accurate reference checking) If you can’t afford to hire a single candidate who has lied about their experience or credentials, you must...