8 Predictions for 2020 Workplace Trends

Amava, a platform connecting a new generation of retirees and empty nesters with flexible jobs, volunteer gigs and unique experiences, today announced key predictions for trends in the 2020 workplace, particularly related to creation and cultivation of an inclusive workplace.

These trend predictions are a result of research, conversations with other experts and discussions with Amava members.

“Statistics show that more than ever, Baby Boomers are working long into their golden years. As the workforce continues to age, experts predict that 25% of workers will be 55 and over by 2020. We found that upwards of 50% of our Members are searching for flexible job opportunities in an effort to stay engaged and continue to earn in this next stage,” said Mark Silverman, CEO of Amava. “Given their experience and skills, this is an important demographic for the overall workplace, and growing each day.”

Mark Silverman

Here are the predictions for workplace trends from Amava for the upcoming year:

  • Flexible Schedules. The 8-hours straight notion of full-time work is morphing and Boomers are taking advantage of it. That might mean starting work at 7am, taking a fitness break for a few hours at three and finishing up later in the day. Flexible schedules result in a happier, healthier and more productive workforce but supporting flexible schedules takes work.
  • Gig Economy. Gig work continues to be a source of flexible income for Boomers. Whether they still work full-time and moonlight to help their kids or parents or they’ve moved on from careers but want to keep earning, many Boomers are increasingly becoming gig economy workers. This is great news for companies and organizations that need to scale-up during peak times.
  • Remote Work. With conferencing tools ever-refining, the rules of work requiring regular facetime continue to change. And Boomers are on the vanguard. It fits in with travel, caregiving and a more flexible, “work-on-the-go” or nomadic lifestyle that many Boomers seek.
  • Running a Business. Boomers who’ve worked for others their whole careers are looking at ways to hang their own shingles. They are starting consulting businesses, mentoring others, investing in franchises and more.
  • Upskilling. Whether they want to reinvent or continue progressing where they are, Boomers know they’ve got to keep their skills sharp. These lifelong learners are self-starters who are all over mastering new workplace tools on their own.
  • Sharing Economy. Many Boomers have assets. They’ve figured out that they can use their homes, cars and property to start businesses. Some have even started businesses to teach other people to do it well.
  • Intergenerational Opportunities. Many Boomers report an interest in being part of an intergenerational workplace. They’ve gotten the memo that diverse perspectives, styles and skillsets make for interesting, healthy and productive workplaces.
  • Mission-Driven Work. For many, the mission’s become the thing. Boomers are increasingly seeking out mission-driven paid work. They want to spend their time with companies that solve big problems.
  • Working for Benefits. A growing number of Boomers are getting back into (or staying longer in) the workforce primarily for health benefits. As the cost of health care has soared, health and wellness costs have become one of the largest annual expenses for the aging population. Working for health insurance can be an effective strategy for many Boomers to extend their retirement savings and a major incentive to stay in the workforce at least until they become Medicare eligible.
See also  Hospitality Job Boards

For more information, including resources to help take advantage of the latest trends in the shifting workplace go to Amava.com. To “Discover Your Next,” sign up with Amava for free.

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