Recruiting Headlines

Candidate Experience Survey Results

New Report: HireClix Examines How Consumers Search for Jobs and Make Career Moves. This intro highlights the broad scope of the survey’s findings.

“The process of hiring employees should start with a candidate’s first contact with an employer. Whether job seekers are visiting a company’s career site, engaging on social media or working through their application process, every touch point matters. In today’s job market where employers are hyper-focused on attracting and eventually retaining top talent, it’s more important than ever to reevaluate the early stages of your candidate experience,” said Neil Costa, Founder and CEO at HireClix. “This data further demonstrates the opportunity for employers to focus on the basics by developing a clear employee value proposition, strengthening their employer brand presence and creating a positive career site experience in the face of an evolving and competitive job market.”

Survey Highlights

Job Search

Job Market Trends

Employee Decision to Stay or Leave

As the labor market continues to evolve, showcasing a strong employer brand and creating an easy-to-use career site is critical to recruiting and retaining top talent.

The survey findings are based upon data collected from a representative consumer survey capturing 1,000 respondents ranging from ages 18 to 65+ across the United States. For the full report, please visit

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