Recruiting Headlines

What Today’s Grads Wants from Employers

As the Class of 2019 is about to hit the workplace this Fall, theEMPLOYEEapp by APPrise Mobile today released the results of its inaugural survey of 1,000 high school and college graduates. The survey reveals what these new employees expect from their employers with respect to flexible work options, company communications and technology.

New Survey About What Graduates Want from Work

“This is a very interesting time for employers when it comes to understanding the needs and desires of employees entering the workplace for the first time,” said Jeff Corbin, CEO and Founder of theEMPLOYEEapp by APPrise Mobile. “Given historically low unemployment rates and a strong labor market, it is important for employers to understand what employees expect from them to ensure their success not only when it comes to employee retention, but also to create the most attractive working environment. theEMPLOYEEapp’s survey was conducted for this purpose.”

When asked what type of job they plan to start following their graduation, nearly half of the graduates surveyed (45%) classified themselves as starting or pursuing deskless employment (not requiring the use of desktop computers in their daily work) in industries such as healthcare, retail, transportation, hospitality and manufacturing. The remaining respondents (55%) plan to work in office environments in industries such as professional services.

For graduates starting deskless positions:

For graduates starting jobs in office/desk-bound environments, the survey revealed the following:

Corbin concluded, “Graduates entering the workforce, no matter what career path they intend to pursue, expect similar—if not the same things—from their employers. As our survey shows, the incoming generation of employees expects greater flexibility in their ability to work remotely and via mobile. They want to have greater and transparent communications from their employers.

They need easy access to the tools and resources that will allow them to be successful in their work as well as in their personal lives. The reality is, the way in which today’s employees are accustomed to working is no different than what they experienced during high school and college. If employers want to stay competitive and to attract and retain talent, they need to adapt their work environments and communications efforts accordingly. We are hopeful that the results of our survey set the stage for this.” 

For more information about the survey, visit:

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