Recruiting Headlines

How will social recruiting change in 2017

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Using social media as a recruiting tool has been a touchy subject for recruiters in the past. However, social recruiting has come a long way in recent years and has pushed its way to the front of the recruiting methods queue. In fact, a lot of companies require talent acquisition candidates to be well versed in social media because they are aware of the results that social recruiting can achieve.

The reason why social recruiting is now held in high regard is the fact that the power of social media seems to increase every year. Social media has changed pretty much every industry in the world, largely due to the fact that people in their millions flock to different social channels every day.

Social media seems to be only getting bigger while constantly changing, and it’s taking social recruiting with it. 2016 saw a rise in results and interest from candidates and 2017 looks to be an even bigger year for social recruiting. As you know with each year, new trends appear and reappear and in this article, you will see how social recruiting will change in 2017 so you can prepare for the year to come.


One of the most fascinating aspects of the internet and social media is the fact that it puts everyone on the same level playing field. Years ago if you wanted to find out if a job was available you had to go out get a newspaper and make 100 calls to get one interview. Today the internet eliminates all of those barriers and with one Google search puts you and your company into the spotlight.

You have to be aware of the fact that your prospective clients can look you up just as quickly as you can research them which means you need to be presentable. Everything to what reviews on Yelp says to what your employees are tweeting can have an adverse effect on desirable candidates responding to you.

There are no walls protecting our image in the transparent age of the internet, so make sure what is on show is how you want to be seen.

Employee branding

In 2017, more than ever, employee branding will on be on the top of your to-do list. For years you might have always focused on the brand of your employees but that is no longer the case. Today office culture has a big impact on decisions that possible candidates make. Which is fair enough, after all, if great talent thinks that a company’s workforce hates their job and their boss, why would they want to work there?

So, in 2017 a trend will be to make your company look perfect to the eyes of outsiders. The priority will be to let this happen as naturally as possible That means letting workers post pictures on their social media accounts to share their day-to-day experience of working at your company.

Doing it this way shows outside talent that your company values and trusts its staff instead of faking it with polished photo opportunities.

Interacting on a human level

Even though there will be a rise in robotics on and offline, 2017 will also see a rise in people wanting to be treated with care and consideration on a human level. Less recruitment chat bots and more focus on getting in a room with a candidate and getting to know them face to face.

In 2017 the recruiters who present themselves as professional AND personable will find the most success. You don’t need to invite random candidates around to your place for brunch, but simple things such as asking a little about their personal lives and making a connection outside of numbers and job history, will go a long way.

As you have seen above social recruiting will grow even bigger in 2017 and if you want to grow and develop with it, take note of the trends above to make 2017 your best year yet.

Cindy Parker is the professional writer and Content Specialist. She loves to write about small businesses, recruiting strategies and education. Currently, she works for Learn to trade – a currency trading education company based in Australia.

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