Recruiting Headlines

Frontline Workers Want More Coaching, Support

New data from DDI’s Frontline Leader Project makes it clear: Frontline leaders are feeling the squeeze. Tasked with creating a more innovative and tech-driven workplace, they are anxious about their digital skills and are craving more support. Unfortunately, they aren’t getting what they need.

These findings are part of the second phase of research published under DDI’s Frontline Leader Project, an ongoing research project devoted to the issues facing first-level managers.

For this portion of the research, DDI drew on survey data from more than 9,700 frontline leaders around the world, as well as its database of more than 13,700 frontline manager assessments. The findings pinpoint frontline leaders’ top struggles, and the types of support and resources they say they want more of from their employers.

“Frontline leaders are in a tough position as the bar for success keeps getting higher and higher,” said Stephanie Neal, director of DDI’s Center for Analytics and Behavioral Research (CABER). “This group of leaders is responsible for so many critical functions, from attracting and retaining talent to fostering innovation and driving adoption of digital technologies. But while expectations of frontline leaders are rising, they aren’t getting the coaching, training and support they need to be successful.”

Key findings in the research include:

For more information and findings from DDI’s Frontline Leader Project, visit

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