Recruiting Headlines

Employee Turnover Stats

Employee turnover rates are higher than pre-pandemic levels yet lower than expected for a Great Resignation era, according to a new survey published by WorldatWork in partnership with UFlexReward.

The survey, “Workforce Planning in the Great Resignation Era,” shows that while the voluntary turnover rate is higher in the United States than in any other country, it only increased by 3 percentage points since prior to the global pandemic.

“We have heard a lot about the “Great Resignation,” but no one has really quantified the turnover directly from a group of leading organizations. This new joint research study by WorldatWork and uFlexReward provides the most recent turnover benchmarks but more importantly feedback from organizations on what has been more effective in addressing turnover,” said Steve Brink, President of uFlexReward. “The study also provides benchmarks on remote work, priorities of skills in HR and other valuable information.”

Top priorities for survey respondents, both employees and job seekers, are remote work and work/life balance. Among the most effective areas of action cited by respondents to reduce turnover were recruitment; diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI); recognition; and development/performance management.

“We see that the most effective actions employers are taking to reduce turnover relate to remote work and work/life balance. Of organizations who have implemented or are currently implementing action in HR policies, 87% are adding remote work options which shows their recognition of the importance and effectiveness of work/life balance on retention and recruitment,” said Deirdre Macbeth, WorldatWork Content Director. “In fact, organizations are recruiting more HR staff to address these issues, and to redesign the way the workforce works.”

Sample Findings: 

About the Study

WorldatWork invited its broader membership and customer base to participate in an electronic survey on pay equity initiatives. A total of 556 responses were received, representing organizations of different sizes and across multiple industries. Email invitations were sent directly to participants on Feb. 14, 2022, and results were collected over a 14-day period. Sample sizes vary by question.

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