Recruiting Headlines

Are you ‘Hacking HR’?

A new community has popped up in several cities call “Hacking HR”.

1. Local chapters: Participate or engage with a Hacking HR Local Chapter. If there isn’t one in  your city, let’s get together to create one! Send us an email if you are interested!

2. Forums: Join the upcoming Hacking HR Forums. The last forums of 2019 include Seattle (today, Tuesday Nov. 13); Silicon Valley (Nov. 14), New York City (Nov. 15) and Toronto (Nov. 29).

3. Global community: Join the largest digital HR global community powered by Slack. Click here. We are more than 1,600 people from all over the world!

4. Blog: write articles/blog posts for the upcoming Hacking HR blog (topics: future of work and anything at the intersection of technology and HR).  Send us your articles. Click here.

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